Childcare Network
Charlotte University Ridge Drive

Open NowCloses at6:00PM
Contact Info
School Number: 094
Call or text us: (704) 598-1911
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Day of the WeekHours
  • MECK Pre-K Program
  • USDA Approved Free Meals & Snacks
  • Newell Elementary School
  • University Meadows Elementary School
  • Stoney Creek Elementary School
Headshot of School Director Lindsey Garner
School Director
Lindsey Garner
Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education
Welcome! My name is Lindsey Garner and I am the Director of this amazing school in Charlotte, NC. My goal for Childcare Network #94 is to encourage our staff to be goal oriented and good listeners to our child and families. We do this to create a warm and loving learning environment for each and every child in our care. My favorite thing about being a director for Childcare Network is having the opportunity to impact so many children and be involved within our community.We have made it a goal at are school to give back and assist our community with many different activities throughout the year. What we do will lay down a foundation for your child and their success throughout life. We invite you to come visit our school and meet the outstanding staff. We look forward to meeting you and your family very soon!

Charlotte Child Care Programs


About Childcare Network in Charlotte University Ridge Drive


Build a Big Career at Childcare Network


Safety Policies

We take comprehensive measures to ensure a secure and nurturing environment where children can thrive with peace of mind. From strict cleaning practices and well-maintained facilities to rigorous health and safety protocols and emergency preparation procedures, you can have full confidence that your child’s well-being is in the most capable and caring hands.

Find the care that will
help your child thrive.

As your child is learning and growing throughout the day, you can depend on us to provide a safe, encouraging environment. Giving parents peace of mind and children a place to thrive is what we do best!